The front page of the Advertiser, 5 August, 1914
Advertiser – March 1915
During the last week a large shark about 13 ft long has been seen swimming about Glenelg and Brighton… It is apparently very hungry…
Monday 1 March p 6
The official opening of the motorbus service for Adelaide took place at the garage of the Motorbus Service on South Terrace on Saturday afternoon when a large crowd assembled to witness the ceremony. The fleet, which consists of six buses , was greatly admired. The Secretary… explained that 33 men would be employed, and these would include twelve motormen and twelve conductors, who would work on a two shift principle… No 1 car, which was decorated with the flags of the Allies, was driven by Mrs H. V. Rounsevell.. from the garage through the gate and out onto the Terrace. A ribbon was suspended across the exit, and through this the car was driven to the accompaniment of a rousing cheer…
Monday 1 March p 12
The first list of members of the Commonwealth Naval Forces killed on active service or drowned on duty, whose next-of-kin will come under the provisions of the War Pensions Act of last session, appears in yesterday’s “Gazette.” The casualty list of 54 names is made up of members of the Naval Expeditionary Force, who were killed in New Guinea in the action of September 11 last. Those lost in submarine AE1, which disappeared about September 14, and those killed in action in the Sydney-Emden fight of November 9. South Australia is not represented in the list.
Monday 8 March, p 6
A meeting of the Walkerville Sewing Guild which was originally a committee formed to collect garments for the London poor and which subsequently changed its objective to Belgian needs met… to consider the desirability of amalgamating the Red Cross work with its operations. … the work is now going on rapidly for both of these great needs. Already in a few weeks 250 new garments of good materials and workmanship have been made for the Belgians, 50 knitted woollen scarves, 30 Balaclava caps and numerous other articles for the Red Cross.
Monday 8 March p 11
It is probably that before many months are over Adelaide will possess three fine additional statues. The latest news from England concerning the King Edward VII memorial statue was that… the sculptor had made good progress and the plaster case was ready for the foundry… The memorial statue to the Right Hon CC Kingston… is expected to arrive shortly… Passengers on North-terrace may have noticed that the erection has been started of the George Fife Angas memorial…
Saturday 20 March p 14
The new pavilion at the sea-end of the Henley Beach jetty was formally opened … on Saturday afternoon….The edifice as been built with three flats. The bottom one has been fitted up as a café, the second as a music-room and lounge, and the third serves as a sea roof garden. The whole is luxuriantly furnished and electric lighting has been installed throughout.
Monday 22 March, p 11
It is expected that the Premier (Hon A. H. Peake) will tender the resignation of his Ministry to His Excellency the Governor today or tomorrow and advise Sir Henry Galway to send for Mr Crawford Vaughan to form a new Government. Mr Vaughan is anxiously awaiting the call because he is assured of a working majority in the House of Assembly…
Wednesday 31 March, p 9