Cooper, Ethel – May 1916
My dear Emmie,
I had a letter from Aunt Alice a few days ago where she said ‘I had a delightful letter from [Ethel’s nephew] Howard this week, and I am hoping he can come to me for a weekend soon, now that he is so near.’ So he must be with the Australian troops that I saw reported as being at Verdun…
There has been a good deal of rioting during the last few days. I never manage to see anything, and not a word of it is allowed to get into the papers but all sorts of people have told me things they have seen – shops smashed up and a few people killed…the result is a huge yellow placard forbidding one to be out after 9 except on business…
My dear Emmie,
This morning at 6 I got a telegram from Sandor to say that he had got his pass, and was leaving Budapest for Leipzig at one – he will be here tomorrow if he has no difficulty and the border…
Frau Lewicka has been taking some more photographs of me and the garden, so I shall have some to send to you again soon. If I look thin, you must not think that I am anything but perfectly well. I never felt better in my life, but there is no doubt that every IS very thin…