10th Battalion patch. Image courtesy Australian War Memorial
10th Battalion – November 1916
1-5 Nov BERNAFAY Wood
Battn employed Road making in forward Area.
6th Guedécourt
Moved forward to front line, attached to 2nd Inf Bde, the relief was carried out successfully
Held the line. Lieut Colbey wounded. 3 O Ranks wounded 5 O Ranks evacuated sick, exposure
In the line. Enemy artillery active. 4 O Ranks killed 15 wounded 11 OR evacuated exposure
In the line. The trenches in very bad state after the rain, in a few places thigh deep in mud & water. 5 O Ranks wounded 35 O Ranks evacuated sick exposure
In the line. Reliefs had been carried out nightly but it had been found impossible to relieve every man in consequence 70 men who had been in the line for 96 hours have been evacuated suffering from Exposure, 2 O Ranks wounded.
Relieved from the line by 16th Inf. Bde. During the relief … 2 O Ranks were wounded. 29 O Ranks had to be evacuated with sore feet. Many men after getting to support trench took their boots off and could not get them on again. Total casualties for period in the line. 4 O Ranks killed 2 Officers and 25 Other Ranks wounded. 150 Other Ranks evacuated from exposure & feet troubles
Moved from Support trenches to Bernafay Wood
Moved back to a Bivouac in Fricourt.
Moved to Billets in Dernancourt
Commenced to clean clothing and Equipment
Baths were arranged for the men not out on fatigues, balance of day cleaning equipment etc
Moved farther back to Staging Area Buire by march
Moved to Rest Area by Motor Bus, and billeted in Cardonette
Commenced 10 days training
Carried out an attack practice which was very successful considering the articles at the disposal of the Bn for making artillery barrages, in the afternoon a demonstration was given by an Air Squadron in aerial contact work which was very instructive
The whole Bn was practised on a miniature rifle range
Bn moved by march to Franvillers. Instructions were received to evacuate all men who were unable to march 30 miles, 74 NCOs & men were evacuated 50 of the Other Ranks evacuated during the time the Bn was in the line have returned to duty
George Redburg Lt. Col
Commanding 10th Inf.