Advertiser – February 1917
2 February 1917 Page 7
Senator Pearce, Minister of Defence, today, referring to the pictures of the graves of Australian soldiers at Gallipoli, taken by a special mission from the Vatican, said it was gratifying to see that the headstones and crosses erected over graves were in good order, and that the graves had not been in any way disturbed. That accorded with the assurance given by the Ottoman Government.
5 February, 1917 Page 9
The Minister of Education (Hon C. Vaughan) stated on Saturday morning (3/2/1917) that the authorities were taking the necessary steps to secure the closing of the German Schools in accordance with the Education Act. A careful inspection had already been made, and it would be necessary in some places to erect new schools, in order to make room for the children who were being taught in the German institutions. Few, if any, of the buildings occupied by the Lutherans were suitable for State school purposes. In some places there had been a little display of antagonism, but it had been overcome, and matters were proceeding satisfactorily. The closing of over 50 German schools necessarily meant that the staff of State teachers would have to be increased, and that there would be considerable expense involved in providing the requisite accommodation. It is not intended to take over the whole of the German teachers, but those whose loyalty and capability were beyond doubt would be offered positions if they were prepared to make the necessary declarations.
7 February 1917 Page 7
There was no sign of waning in the war spirit of South Australia on Tuesday when the new campaign to secure the raising of reinforcements by the voluntary system, was launched with enthusiasm at a great rally of citizens in the Jubilee Exhibition Building. Those who had arranged the demonstration must have regarded the densely crowded hall and the vociferous endorsement of the appeals made to patriotism as an augury for the success of the renewed effort.
19 February 1917 Page 6
A strong Ministry has been formed by the alliance for the purposes of the war between the Federal Liberals and the Labor members, under the leadership of Mr. Hughes. Of the total of eleven Ministers six are from the Liberal side of the Coalition, but the Prime Minister retains the high office which he has held since October 27, 1915. The new team fairly reflects, the administrative and debating strength of both parties, and, though not strictly in proportion to their relative importance numerically, all the States are represented in the personnel.