Churchill-Smith, James – April 1917
1 Apr
O. & O’s C. Coys. met at B. H. Qrs in morning to discuss the attack…. I feel quite “bucked” for stunt.
2 Apr
Moved Coy. off at 2.15 am., from Coy. Hdqrs at Vaux & lined up on tape by 3.15 a.m. Alignment completed without a casualty, no enemy shelling at all. Barrage opened at 5.15 a.m. & everybody moved forward. ‘A’ Coy held up by wire on right & badly cut up. Several enemy Machine guns firing on troopers – casualties heavy, Took Noreuil & joined up with 51st on left – then occupied trenches about 400 yds N.E. side of it.
I killed 2 Germans.
3 Apr
… Nice fine day. Enemy evacuated position in front of where we dug in, & ‘B’ Coy under Capt Seager moved forward & connected up with the left. Hear Lts Hoggart, Jose & Bidestrup all killed – very sorry. Several men of Battn. went over ground during afternoon collecting effects of dead.
4 Apr
Dull day with rain, & plenty of mud. Dick Wilton returned from school. Received letters from dear Kate, Aunt Ada, Girlie, W. L. Turner, Mr McManus, Emy J., Paul Guillemin.
5 Apr
Nice fine day. Men improving their posies [positions] – had mine rebuilt – very nice now. Hear America has declared war on Germany – about time too… Burial party under Price driven out owing to shell fire.
6 Apr
… Gens. Birdwood & Holmes around during morning. 2/Lt Price & party collected 40 bodies today ready for burial.
8 Apr
Arrived at bivouac at Beuquatre, 2 miles out from Bapaume at about 2 a.m. Nice fine day so went for a ride with Murray & Dick… Not feeling too good at night. Wrote Myrtle Galliford, Lettie Larsson, and Mr Armitage, & did up personal effects of (H. Armitage) Army, Bill Hoggarth & Br’d & sent them away. My deepest sympathy is with the parents &co of our lost Officers, but I trust their great sorrow will be somewhat relieved by their knowing that they died ‘On Active Service”, In the Field, & fighting.
9 Apr
Dear Sid’s birthday – getting quite an old man now. Hope he is well….
10 Apr
Received several papers from South Aus. Wet day with occasional snow. …Stunt held up last night owing to non-appearance of “Tanks”, {4th Bgde on tape waiting for hours – a jolly shame; guess tank man will get promoted} Dear Kate’s 21st birthday – getting quite a big girl now.
11 Apr
Orders out at 10.45 am. for Battn to move off to Vaulx. 4th & 12th Bgdes reached all objectives in this mornings stunt, but owing to failure of “Tanks”, and failure of Tommies to properly link up, they had to fall back to their original line… Casualties exceptionally heavy, & number of prisoners taken by Germans.
13 Apr
Nice fine day. Our aircraft more active than usual… Received papers from home.
14 Apr
Battn. left Favreuil at 9.30 a.m. Arrived at Bapaume about 10.15 a.m. but had to wait until 5.20 p.m. for train to go owing to a shell having hit an engine and destroyed the line… Men very tired but all fixed up with a good rum issue… Div. losses in last stunts about 4000.
15 Apr
Bosche attacked front about Noreuil and Lagnicourt & tower, & damaged some guns on our side of Noreuil. 2nd Div damaged those who got through. Total Bosche casualties about 1500 dead, 400 prisoners. We drove them back all along front… Dull day with plenty of rain. Up about 11.30 a.m. Went for ride to Buire in afternoon with Tom English, calling at Albert Baths on way. Saw old lady where I was last billetted
19 Apr
Battn. left Becourt at 11 a.m. and arrived at Buire at 1.30 p.m. In same billets as before – all people of village very pleased to see us again… Paid men of Coy from 8 p.m. to 10.30 pm.
22 Apr
Left Amiens on horseback with Murray Fowler at 9 am. and arrived at 11 a.m. Met Bert. Rowe & MacDermid of 51st and spent a very enjoyable day together. Slept at Hotel de Rhin.
25 Apr
ANZAC DAY. – the day of days. Church parade for Bgde at 10 a.m. Awakened early by Tom, Murray and others to celebrate. Brigade Sports in afternoon – very successful. Battn dinner at night – Brigadier present
29 Apr
Very warm day. Brigade Church Parade at 11 a.m. at which Gen. Birdwood presented Military Medal ribbons followed by a March Past.
30 Apr
Fine day – fairly warm. Practiced stunt in morning – very good. Ranges in afternoon.
Diary of James Churchill-Smith