Ross Smith, image courtesy State Library of South Australia B6101
Smith, Ross – November 1916
Nov. 1st.
Did an Artillery practice puff shoot with Badgery and went for a joy ride with MacNaughton to DUIEDAR in the afternoon. We usually go for a swim in the Canal every day & play various games on the aerodrome to keep fit.
Nov. 3rd.
Posted to “C” Flight. Capt. Williams O.C.
Nov. 4th.
Did my first reco with Capt. Williams out to Zagadan & came home by MAHEMDIA. Got on fairly well with the reco and found the sandy country hard to read except the parts I had been over with the Light Horse.
Nov. 5th
First bomb raid on BEERSHEBA. Machines went out to Mustabig to fill up. Wackett & Turner fought a Fokker.
Nov. 6th.
Went up for a joy ride with Wackett & we did some shooting at pelicans & flamingos for practice which was great sport.
Nov. 15th.
Did a practice shoot near ROMANI with the 264th F.A. Bgde. Had to return to MAHEMDIA aerodrome with engine trouble & carried on shoot afterwards. Pilot – Lt. Macnamara.
Nov. 23rd.
Went on leave to Cairo & stayed at Heliopolis House with Murray Jones.
Nov. 25th.
Went to the dentist at 14 A.G.H. & on to see the Rofès & then to a dance at the Continental.
Nov. 26th.
Flew back to KANTARA with Macnamara. He & a few others, Muir, Guilfoile & Jones had brought their machines to Cairo because we had heard that the Huns were going to bomb Cairo again & our machines were to chase them if they came.