Ross Smith, image courtesy State Library of South Australia B6101
Smith, Ross – September 1917
Sept. 1st.
Ellis & I were out on patrol\on 12A’s/ over the Yeomanry near ESANI & BEERSHEBA. Two Huns came along, a 2 seater & an Albatross Scout. We were above them so chased them. Ellis dived on the Scout first & then I took him on & got on his tail. We had 3 rounds & he hit me in the face. I turned for home and did 110 MPH all the way & landed safely. The Doc. dressed my face & then I went to the BELAH Casualty Clearing Station & was put on a hospital train & spent the night at EL ARISH hospital.
Sept. 2nd.
Went on to KANTARA & stayed the night at the hospital there.
Sept. 3rd.
Went on to CAIRO by hospital train & out to 14th A.G.H.
Sept. 18th.
Went up to No.10 Convalescent Home at Alex, with Charlie Watt.
Sept. 25th.
Weighed myself at the Union Club: 11 st. 2 lbs. I spent most of my time at Alex. in bathing and sailing. Watt & I used to go out to Stanley Bay in the mornings and it was very nice bathing there. Several of the Sisters from 14 A.G.H were on leave in Alex too & we bathed & sailed with them. We would make up parties in the afternoons & go down to the harbour & get a boat & take our tea out with us.
Sept. 28th.
Went out to ABOUKIR with Lang.
Sept. 29th.
Went out to Aboukir & took delivery of BEIZA 6338 & flew it to Heliopolis & camped there for the night.
Sept. 30th.
Flew from Heliopolis to SHEIKH NURAN & rejoined my Squadron. Landed and filled up at KANTARA on the way. Posted to “C” Flight as O.C.