Terrell, Frederick Leopold – April 1916
1 April
I ought to have been paraded this morning but was unsuccessful so may have to wait a few days for an answer
3 April
Had my first lessons on the Gun 18 P.R.Q.F. in the afternoon, went on Canteen guard until 6 P.M.
4 April
Tuesday on horses all the morning, in afternoon went on gun drill again for 1 hour, then on horses for 1 hour, and helped after that to get ready to leave here.
5 April
left Tel,– El. Kibir for Serapeum at 4.30 P.M. arrived here 7 oclock same day feeling rather worn out biviouaced for the night. led on this morning to our new camp
6 April
put in the day erecting camp and getting things shipshape once again, knocked off after a very strenuous day at 5.30 P.M.
7 April
Turned out at 5 am and started on camp lines again…
8 April
Had a very warm day we have at last settled in our new camp…
10 April
Wrote a letter to Clara yesterday…
11 April
had Gunnery drill in morning, received a chronicle from Clara. Was on water Fatigue this afternoon
12 April
Turned out at 5.30 a.m. had drill until 11 oclock then went to the doctor and was inoculated again. Had a rough night expected the tent to go up every minute and also felt very ill
13 April
Turned out at 5.30 a m went on parade, not that I felt much like parading. was dismissed again as we have 24 hours stand off.
14 April
Turned out at 5.30 am had gun drill. We are now entering into what is known as Khamseen, a windy period which lasts from 40 to 50 days of extreme hot Dusty weather.
17 April
… Turned out at 5.30 a m this morning for drill, received report through that a number of Turks under the command of an Austrian Officer were captured on the Canal.
19 April
On parade at 5.30.a.m. had breakfast at 8.15 a.m. On parade at 9 a.m knocked off at 11.30a.m. Went for swimming parade at 2 P.M it was lovely after wallowing in the sand for a week.
20 April
… I have been selected as a specialist for 45 Battery as operator
21 April Good Friday
A holiday at home but not here, as we were on pick and shovel all day, it being our turn for Divisional duties which only come now and again
22 April
Attended all day at specialists class, which is carried on for instruction to coming instructors for Batteries
23 April
Was inoculated again today. not feeling too well.
24 April
had rough time through inoculation all night did not turn to this morning, as I could not raise my arm above the shoulder.
25 April
Anzac Day. Celebrated the day, with sports on the canal, wrote a letter to Clara, News has arrived that the Fusiliers, have had a bit of a scrap on the canal
26 April
A very warm day was inspected in full dress by, General Godley, it was very trying, many men dropped through the tense heat. And were exhausted.
29 April
…Had tooth extracted today.
Diary of Frederick Leopold Terrell