Portrait of Leo Terrell. Image courtesy National Archives
Terrell, Frederick Leopold – April 1918
7 April
Left Ohlain at 10.30 AM & made for Acq arrived there at 3.45 PM, packed up straight away & was in action by 8.30 PM relief a battery of 50TH Division
8 April
Went to O.P. a long distance arrived home at position at 4.30 PM very tired took part in a stunt at a bit after midnight.
9 April
near Arras everything going well up to 11.30 AM when we got orders to clear out as soon as possible everything ready to move by 1.30 PM Pull out at of action & straight on road for Ohlan
10 April
Arrived at Ohlain at 12.30 AM. got fixed up for night moved on again at 2 PM for unknown destination found ourselves eventually in the vacinity of Robech.
11 April
Pull out not knowing where we were going at 9 AM eventually found ourselves in open warfare at a place by 11.45 AM shifted at 12 noon to another position which we now hold being 2 PM. the former place was Robecq the hun was 100 yds off
12 April
Shifted up nearer the canal by Robecq last night got into action by 6 P.M. sill in that position firing all night
13 April
everything going well until evening when we got sudden orders to move off arrived at new position near L’ecleme at 8 PM spent the night under a bighting wind in open field
14 April
7.30 saw us on the move to new position arrived & into action at 9 AM everything going well doing plenty of shooting at Range of between 7000 & 8000 yds.
15 April
This morning saw us pretty well out of range at 3 PM orders were received to move on arrived just on outskirts of Robecq in what used to be our resting lines before the rear guard action took place, Had one driver wounded. We are well within range now
17 April
Still in rear of Robecq but am afraid an incident which occurred today will alter the phase on our position, as a hun plane came out of the mist & hovered over our position not more than 200 feet up. Heard news today that a chap who put in application for discharge the time as myself is being withdrawn.
18 April
Received letters from home, Aunt Olive & Clara today. We are expecting to have to move back as old Fritz is massing troops again for a push
20 April
Heard news that Spry & McLean had been withdrawn to Australia & still I am detained here, reasons I cannot understand. was recommended for Military Medal on 17TH 4/18.
21 April
Still at Waggon lines quite a pleasure to be able to get a nights sleep in peace but do not know any moment I may have to go up to position again every prospect of Fritz attacking tonight or early morning
22 April
Old Fritz made an attack at 11 PM last night but broke down under our barage, also tried at 5 AM this morning and same results & to-night we are going to have a bit of him by way of a change a terrible Bombardment on equal to any I have heard
23 April
Had slight rain last night & had a small success taking two villages received news last night that Gunner Mason had been killed on Colonne Robecq Rd on his way back from O.P. A rumor afloat that the hun has given the British 72 hours to evacuate France or go into sea
Diary of Frederick Leopold Terrell