Terrell, Frederick Leopold – January 1915
1914 was one of the most trying years for many years, as the country has been drought stricken and as a result trade is simply paralysed, and to put a finishing touch to a disasterous year the most terrible war of modern ages, must break out making a very dull Xmas and a terrible bad outlook for the New Year. though we have experienced a few years good harvests there are many who are at poverties door already.
1 January Friday 1915.
Making another start in New Year by going to Brighton with Clara, to spend day…
4 January Monday
rose at 7.15 after a good nights sleep… Went to town in morning at 8.15 to look for work but had no luck. Bought Diary for Clara … wrote letter to Clara, and posted same with Diary Bought Infantry training book…
5 January Tuesday
rose at 8 oclock had breakfast. It is very cool bleak weather for this time in the year. Kicked about all day … Sick of my existence as I am now putting it in as it is running well on for four months out of work.
6 January Wednesday
… Did not move from home today almost disgusted with my lot …
13 January Wednesday
… wrote a letter away applying to Mr Ireland to see if he could give me a job as insurance agent for the T & G society One hardly knows what to do for the best at present…
14 January Thursday
… After dinner went to Mile End to see about a job but had no luck again as usual. On return journey home had a Blowout in my bike tyre at Kilkenny, Arrived home at 4.30 Received a letter from Clara today. …
16 January Saturday
108.6 Deg Shade Went for a swim last night the first time for over a month, and came home real tired out… The heat is very oppressive…
18 January Monday
99 Deg Shade … mended bike. Did a bit of Free hand Drawing, then got cleaned and went to the PT. after some work if any to be had. Came home in time to have dinner, then did a bit of Drawing, But Clara kept teasing so had to abandon the idea. Had tea and then put in the evening with my love 11 oclock
19 January Tuesday
…Had breakfast at 6.15 then went and seen my love safely away in train. Did a little Drawing on my arrival home. As I have to do something to pass away the time…
20 January Wednesday
… I cannot settle myself down to do anything definite. The situation and suspense is awful Went to bed tired in spirit at 9 oclock.
28 January Thursday
Another lovely day, Went out in the hope of securing a job, But arrived home as usual a rather disappointed man, I think I am getting rather used to it now…
Diary of Frederick Leopold Terrell