Portrait of Leo Terrell. Image courtesy National Archives
Terrell, Frederick Leopold – June 1915
2 June Wednesday
A very cold windy morning, turned out at 6 oclock. to carry on packing stores for embarkation… Had my Photo taken again. Forwarded on Photos to Clara…
3 June Thursday
Turned out again at 6 oclock, and prepared to leave for the front Left camp ground at 10.20 arrived at Pt Melbourne at 11.10. Went on board at 12.30 after having huge lump of bread and bully beef.
4 June Friday
… sailed at 9.20 a.m. Making good headway. Last night was a topsy turvy sort of an evening… had a fairly good time until the ship started to roll… took very crook turned in at 9 oclock.
8 June Tuesday
The first time I have been fit since I came on boat. I have a permanent job now for the voyage. Guard on the Bridge 4 hours on and 12 off. Had first feed of the Journey this morning. My word it is a pleasure to feel well again after such trying sensations as one goes through when seasick….
14 June Monday
After a rough night turned out at 7 oclock had wash and prepared for guard duty at 8 oclock. Had a fairly warm day, as we are nearing the tropics…
16 June Wednesday
Had boat drill in Afternoon Went on guard 8 a m came off at 12 A M… A rather one eyed thing happened to the men this evening. One of our men previous to leaving Melbourne bought a piano, and naturally gave it to the men of the train. And tonight the Officers came and took it out of our quarters and put in theirs…
19 June Saturday
Relieved off guard at 4 a.m. Turned in to have a few hours sleep Turned out at 7 a m We are just crawling along as we are a mystery ship not knowing where we have to go. Are expecting Wireless orders any day. Had boat drill in afternoon and shortly after we had been dismissed…
20 June Sunday
A lovely day for the tropics. turned out at 7 a.m. mounted guard at 8 a m was not sorry when 12 noon came as the heat was very oppressive. had a sleep until 4 P M when I had tea mounted guard again at 12 midnight after hearing the rules of war read. Received orders at midnight to change our course some say we are steering for Colombo. But none of us know all we know we have change
21 June Monday
… We are now on a Northerly course Am expecting to call at Colombo in a day or two, Went on guard at 4 P.M to 8 P.M. we are steaming about 12½ knot Hurrying a little now
23 June Wednesday
After a very trying watch of 4 hours I turned in at 4 a.m. turned out at 7 a.m. to experience a very cool change, compared with what it was at 4 a.m. On leaving Melbourne we only had 70 bags of flour to carry 500 men for 7 weeks we have only been out 20 days and are now running short, nice encouragement for men to go and fight. Father Neptune came on board at 2 P.M. caused a great sensation then disappeared. Went to bed at 8 P.M.
24 June Thursday
We are nearing the trade routes now passed steamer last night and one early this morning, We are not far from Colombo now. Had my breakfast at 7.30 a.m mounted guard at 8 a.m. The heat is very oppressive. Lost 27 horses for trip up to date. Arrived in Colombo, There has been a rising among the Mohomidans. have received orders to proceed to Bombay as soon as ship has taken in Water. Left Colombo at 8.45 P.M…
25 June Friday
… turned in at 4 a.m. turned out again at 7 oclock to experience a monsoon in a mild form. We are now well on our way to Bombay… feeling very crook on account of the change in Climate it is very trying We are still in the monsoon.
26 June Saturday
… We may have to stay in India. We have orders to land all the horses, and then the boat has to proceed back to Australia for more troops as There is an uprising in the provinces…
27 June Sunday
… had a very rough day of it as we are in the midst of a monsoon… Our boat did two very dangerous rolls of 45 degrees
29 June Tuesday
… Moored at our berth at 12.20 P.M. Had my first night in Bombay and a queer place it is…
30 Wednesday June
… Wrote to Clara and sent parcel containing Silk Scarfe
Diary of Frederick Leopold Terrell