Terrell, Leopold Frederick – August 1916
1 August
Still attending doctor for dressing which have to be done every few hours.
3 August
Turned out at 3.30 a.m left billet and proceeded on our last stage of journey, passed through St. Omer at 11 a.m. the country is beautiful all along route.
4 August
A very nice day. paraded sick and was sent to hospital at St Omer. Had lovely ride in a motor car and the scenery was very good.
6 August
Turned out at 6 a.m and went to church had good day
7 August
Had a fair day. wrote a letter home to Mother. I am getting on alright…
8 August
having lovely weather. am still in hospital but am doing well, wrote letters to Mr Haynes, Mother & Clara.
10 August
a very dull day, the life in here is very monotonous and is not at all pleasant though there are great numbers of troops who abuse these places.
11 August
Had a fair day am well on the way to being discharged as I am almost alright again.
12 August
Things going well. Are having splendid weather. This is a fine country while it is fine But a terror for now
13 August
Had a quiet day wrote letter to Mother
14 August
a very dull day weather exceedingly cool. summer is fast passing. Russians had great success, capturing 85,190 prisoners which makes Austrias position very shaky
15 August
Turned out at 5.30a m am well on the mend and expect to rejoin my unit in a day or two.
16 August
A glorious day, I often regret being tied up in the military on such lovely weather as we have been experiencing of late.
17 August
Had a none too pleasant dream last night I dreamt father had met with an accident and was in an awful state mostly being hurt about the head.
18 August
Wrote a letter to Rita. Am well on the mend but am not anxious to rejoin my Battery.
21 August
Discharged from hospital … received letters from home, Clara & Con, arrived at St Omer station at 2.20 P.M.
23 August
Was put on strength yesterday to my sorrow as I was not anxious to join them up again. was paid last night…
24 August
Turned out at 6.a m. left our billet at 10.10a.m. passed through Wizerns on our trek to Ypres. we arrived at 5.30 P.M and remained there all night
25 August
Turned out at 5.30 left Wallon Chapelle at 8.30 a.m. passed through Caistre at 10.20 a.m. arrived at wagons lines at 5.30 P.M. 6 miles from front moved into position at 8.30 PM
26 August
After a wet nights sleep which consisted of 5 hours turned out and took over relay station at 1.30 P.M.
27 August
A fairly decent day was relieved on relay post at 4.30 P.M
28 August
Went to O.P. at 3.30a m and was able to get a good view of Hill 60, or what Hill 60 for now it is practically levelled to the surroundings
29 August
Turned out at 8 a m at Battery, and had easy day after 18 hours on duty yesterday. Left for relay station at 6 oclock after guiding officers from Lille Gate
30 August
On duty at 3am at relay and we have had rough rainy night. Had to turn wet through into bed.
31 August
Turned out at 3.30 a m and proceeded to O.P through the slush. I left O.P. for BTY at 8.45.P.M. it is not safe to been seen in daylight
Diary of Frederick Leopold Terrell