10th Battalion patch. Image courtesy Australian War Memorial
10th Battalion – February 1917
Albert 1.2.17
Battalion carried on Training in Attack.
Battalion route marched from Albert.
Battalion engaged in fatigues & training Officers visiting the Front Line
Lieut Col R.B. Jacob assumed command. Fatigues and training.
Fatigues and training of specialists continued…
Orders received to relieve 2nd Bn in Support at Hexham Road.
Battalion moved up to support at 1730 Relief completed without incident by 2000.
Hexham Rd 12.2.17
Battalion employed in fatigues and carrying parties. Improving communications to front line etc. Gas alarm during early part of night but no gas noticed.
Work and carrying continued. Thaw commenced. One of our new planes No. A266 brought down in an air fight on the parapet of FLERS LINE. An officer guard was placed over it & support forwarded.
Work on YARRA RESERVE & GABY GLIDE & PIONEER AVENUE continued also carrying for front line…
Thaw still continuing. Conditions very muddy. Work & fatigues continued. 6 other ranks killed & 2 wounded at GABY GLIDE. 4 other ranks wounded in front line…
Work & fatigues continued. Orders to relieve 12th Bn in Left sub sector of Brigade Front received. Good salving done.
Relief of 12th Bn completed at 2100 A & D in Front Line B & C in Support at Eaucourt L’Abbaye. Bn Headquarters situated at corner of Hexham Road & Pioneer Avenue. Conditions normal but very muddy.
Operations normal. Trenches duckboarded & otherwise improved but the thaw caused considerable damage. Salving continued.
Very misty but quiet. Work continued. Platoons changed over nightly.
Misty & muddy. Operations normal to quiet. Salving operations continued.
Our “heavies” very active on enemy front line in front of us. Enemy’s retaliation very heavy but appeared to pay more attention to his own line than to ours. Pineapple bombing ceased altogether. …. Enemy appears to have evacuated front line opposite us.
During early hours for about 3 hours enemy artillery very active on our front line. During day very quiet & no sniping or MG fire on post of enemy. Our movements & working parties not hindered – at 2230 we moved forward & occupied GIRD TRENCH.
Very foggy. Consolidating & patrolling during morning. 1300 we attacked & occupied LE BARQUE SWITCH TRENCH. Patrols penetrating well into LE BARQUE. Enemy barraged heavily after positions had been won. Our casualties about 20%. (including 8 officers two of which were killed) chiefly due to rifle & MG fire. One MG captured & one prisoner taken. Relieved by 12th Bn by midnight excepting 50 men.
In support on carrying fatigues & laying duck walks to new front line Burying dead.
… Relieved by 1st Bn by 10pm. Moved to SITE No 1 BAZENTIN-LE-PETIT.
Muster Roll call, washing cleaning. Orders received for moving to DERNACOURT. Congratulations received for work done at LE BARQUE…
R.B. Jacob Lt Col
Comdg 10th Bn