Churchill-Smith, James – April 1916
April 1
Reveille 4 a.m Left Mahsamah at 6.15 a.m. A little hotter than yesterday. I’m feeling fit Arrived Moascar at 3 pm
April 2
Left Moascar at 6 am. Arrived at Camp other side of Canal at about ¼ to 2 p.m. Very rough trip, mostly through sand. Swim in Canal about 2.30 pm…
April 3
French Aeroplane landed near our Camp at 3.15 p.m… Met Walter Williams, “A”Coy, 50th Bttn…
April 5
Rather cool day. Slight Diarrhea. Thought a good deal today of folk at home and dear Kate – wouldn’t mind if war ended tomorrow so that I would soon be back with them all again…
April 9
Dear Sid’s birthday – hope he is well. God bless & look after him…
April 10
My dear sweetheart’s (Kate) Birthday –20 yrs old. God bless my dear girlie – I do love her so much. Hope she is well & not worrying. Would like very much to be with her… Out on Nile with Pongo & 3 friends during afternoon – Pongo fell in love with a little French girl. Wrote dear Kate a birthday letter.
April 11
Caught 11 a.m. train & arrived back at Camp at about 4.30 pm.
April 12
Up at 5 a.m. Unloading truck all day, some cases been broken into. – finished at about 5.30 p.m. Recd letter from dear Mum… Very nasty dusty night – horrible.
April 13
Very objectionable dusty day. Afternoon parade cancelled. Wrote, dear Kate, Mum…
April 14
Attack & Defence in morning…
April 15
Ranges during afternoon. Oscar in tent writing at night whilst I’m having a bath… News of a good raid by Squadron 9th LH. on Turkish wells about 60 miles out, about 33 prisoners taken including an Austrian Lieutenant –Cpl Monachan killed, our only casualty.
April 16
Church Parade in morning; Battn. marched past Gen. Cox. Out riding with Major Jacob, Capts Seager & Hancock during afternoon. Nice moonlight night…
April 17
… Arranging for Anzac Dinner on 25th
April 19
Left for Ismailia by 9 o’c train. Arrived Ismailia, met Mjr Herbert (on 2 days leave to Alexandria from Hospital). Arranged with Belgian Club to supply for our Anzac Dinner on 25th. Left for Cairo by 2.15 pm. train and arrived at 5.15 pm. Stayed at National Hotel & went around to Orosdi–back’s to order beer, &c. Bed early
April 20
Sent away parcel (fly–swisher) to Father. Wrote him.
April 21
Up at 9.30 p.m. Hot bath, breakfast in bed. Caught 11 o’c am. train to Serapena – arrived safely at Camp about 4.15 o’c pm. Recd letters from dear Kate, Aunt Nell…
April 23
Captaincy through today
Promoted Captain. Div. Routine Order No 29 List No 5 to date 1st April 1916.
April 25
Anzac Day.
Bgde Sports on Canal during morning; Div. Sports during afternoon. 2 Hostile Aeroplanes reported to be about – one said to have dropped bombs on Port Said…
April 27
Pains in stomach during day – in bed all day. Hot & dusty as usual Recd nice letter from dear Kate. Much better at night.
April 28
Up at 4.30 a.m. Divisional stunt during morning, Attack on Rail–head. Nice cool morning, but dusty during midday. Wrote Emy Johnston & darling Kate.
Diary of James Churchill-Smith