Churchill-Smith, James – January 1918
January 1
Bad cold. Dull day. With Noel all day. Went to “ Carminetta” with Noel at night – “Zig Zag “in afternoon supper at Savoy. Had to leave supper and go home as I had a touch of influenza.
January 2
With Noel all day. Cold very bad. Went to “Yes, Uncle!” at night with Noel and Swaffer girls – very enjoyable. Investiture during morning with Noel; he got his D. S. O. & Bar, and I my “M. C. & Bar”; Dr. Jeffries (D. S. O) & Gordon Cornish (M. C.) there also.
January 3
Met Dr. Jeffries” wife at Jermyn Court Hotel. Lunch at Savoy with Noel, Miss Williams and Miss Lee – dinner at Carlton, & Theatre at night at “Carminetta”; supper at Savoy. Feeling very unwell. Dull foggy day again. Gave our medals to A. H Lanyon, Scarfes’ agents to mind.
January 4
Met Col. & Mrs. Salisbury, and Tom, Padre Walden and I lunched with then at the “Piccadilly”. Dull day. Cold very bad. Reported to D. A. A. G. and told to report to Senior Officers School, Aldershot on 6th – am very pleased. Sent photo to Madame Malfait. Went to “Pamela” at night with Mona.
January 5
Up at 2.30 a.m. owing to Keith Wilkinson calling. Savoy in afternoon; “The Beauty Spot” at night; and supper at the Troc with Wilky & Noel.
January 6
Left Waterloo Station at 11.35 a.m. by train arriving at Aldershot (North Camp Station) at about 1.15 a.m. and reported at Senior Officers School Hdqus Wrote dear Mum, Kate Father, Sid. F.Gill, Mona, Ida Wood, & Murray Fowler.
January 7
Fine sunny day but rather cold Lecture in morning by General Marshall, School Commandant, and one on drill by Major Heath. Received letters from Paul G. (2), Lilian Lawes, Mona, Mrs. Ware, Ted Price, & Madame Malfait and a card from Pattie King. Wrote Pattie King & Paul G. Bed early.
January 9
Dull day with snowfall in morning. Received letter from Mona . Wrote Harry Kay.
January 10
Not so cold today. Very interesting Company drill in morning. Went for a bicycle ride to Aldershot in afternoon, and went through riding test at 4.30 p.m. Good lecture by Brig. Gen Marshall at 6 p.m. on “Training”. Bed early.
January 11
Dull morning with light rain; fair in afternoon. Tactical exercise in morning – very interesting. Wrote Padre Walden, Ida Wood, A. H. Lanyon, Tom, W. T. Turner, A. C. Crapp, also dear Mum, Kate,and Mattie Adney.
January 14
Very heavy fall of snow during early morning. Drill from 9 to 11 a.m. – very interesting.
January 16
Dull day with light snow during morning. Went to London by 2.14 p.m. train – tea with Lt Mc.Dermott (51st Bn.) and dinner with Mona. Returned to Aldershot by 10.35 p.m. train arriving at about midnight.
January 17
Heavy fall of snow during early morning, & light fall about 10 a.m. Guest night at Mess – Col. Compton-Smith, C. 3. Syndicate Commander, was our guest. Lecture at 6 p.m. by Gen Lowther – very good.
January 20
Dull day. Up at about midday. Wrote Frank Gill, A. H. Lanyon, Ethel Lewis, R. S. M. Vallis, Jim London, Tom Smith Col. Salisbury, Murray Fowler, Maude Harris, and Swaffers (& a photo) Received letters from A. I. F. Kit Store & C. S. M Chapman Glad to hear of “Mentions” of Jim London Tom Smith, also D. C. M. to Vallis.
January 21
Nice day with lovely sunshine. Received letters from Madame Malfait & John Hill. Battalion drill & Transport during morning. Received letter from Lilian Lawes. Lecture 6 p.m., Prince Consorts Library, by Capt. Banning R. N. on “Submarines”; illustrated by lantern slides – very interesting. “Outpost” Scheme as night work after Mess.
January 24
Nice day. Company Training during morning. Very interesting lecture on “Law” at 5.30 p.m. at Detention Barracks by Brig Gen J. B. Wroughton C. M. G. Received nice Xmas parcel from Aunt Nell.
January 26
Dull day but no rain. Very interesting trip to Royal Military College, Sandhurst, during morning. Wrote long letters to dear Mum, Kate & Dad. Bed late.
January 29
Lovely day, but heavy fog during early morning. Report of Air Raid on London last night. Company exercise at Long Hill during morning. Received letters from dear Mum & A. I. F. Kit Store. Wired Mona. Air raid on London at 8 p.m. tonight, lasting till midnight.
January 30
Nice day but heavy fog in morning. Received letter from dear Dad & Ida. London in afternoon. Dinner with Mona.
Diary of James Churchill-Smith