10th Battalion patch. Image courtesy Australian War Memorial
10th Battalion – June 1918
Battalion in line. Preparations being made for co-operation by 10th Battalion in minor operation to be carried out by 11th Battalion on night of 2nd/3rd. On night of 2nd/3rd operation was carried out and flanks were pushed forward. Three enemy machine guns and 21 prisoners were captured by platoon on right flank and 5 machine guns and 10 prisoners by platoon on left flank. Lieutenant F.E. Rice and 2nd Lieutenant H.L. Cleworth, and Regimental Sergeant Major E.A. Holland were wounded during the operation.
Battalion was relieved from line by 11th Battalion and moved to support Battalion area of line. ‘A’ Company of 10th Battalion was not included in relief and this company came under command of 11th Battalion as from 4pm on 3rd inst. On night 4th/5th ‘A’ Company 10th Battalion was relieved from line position and returned to Battalion.
Battalion was relieved by 8th Australian Infantry Battalion during night 4th/5th and moved to support Brigade area. Relief commenced at about 9pm.
Cleaning and inspection of rifles and equipment. Battalion was paid.
Battalion relieved by 4th Battalion in support Brigade area and moved by march route to SERCUS AREA (reserve). Two heavy and two light German machine guns captured on night 2nd/3rd were despatched to base today. One heavy and 1 light gun being retained for instructional purposes.
Battalion in training. Musketry and Lewis Gun instruction.
Battalion attended Brigade church parade at 10.30am. Prior to parade trophies captured by units of the Brigade during the previous tour in line were inspected by the Coprs Commander. Arrangements had been made for the Battalion to move during the evening to bivouac position on the canal near BLARINGHEM, but owing to weather conditions being unfavourable the move was postponed.
Weather had cleared up during night and it was decided to move the Battalion to bivouac as previously arranged. Battalion fell in, in mass and moved off about 7am. Battalion Orderly Room, Q.M. store and 2nd line transport remained at SERCUS. During afternoon and evening bathing and recreational training were indulged in.
Battalion returned to SERCUS during morning and training was carried out during the afternoon.
Brigade sports held during whole of day. Battalion were marched to and from sports ground. Battalion competitors took a prominent part in all events and were successful in carrying off the Brigade Sports Challenge Cup for the Battalion.
13-14 – SERCUS
Battalion in training. Special attention being paid to Lewis Guns and musketry Instruction. Both miniature range and open range were placed at disposal of the Battalion and were utilised to fullest advantage. All ranks were instructed in firing of captured German machine guns. Rifle grenade instruction was also carried out. Orders received on evening of 24th to adopt “Precautionary Stage” and to move to Reserve Brigade position on morning of 15th. During tour in SERCUS AREA a HAXEBROUCK PICQUET of 1 Officer and 21 other ranks was supplied daily. On evening of 13th a working party of 500 other ranks was supplied for burying cable in reserve area. Lectures were given daily at 3rd Brigade International School and were attended by Officers of the Battalion.
Battalion moved from SERCUS to LA KREULE area, leaving Sercus at 7.30am. Battalion in bivouac.
Battalion remain at bivouac position during day. Two companies employed on digging and improving reserve trenches.
17 – BORRE
3rd Brigade relieve 2nd Australian Infantry Brigade in left Brigade sector of Division sector. 10th Battalion relieve 7th Australian Infantry Battalion in reserve position of Brigade sector. Relief commenced at 8pm. ‘D’ Company occupied trenches near Pradelles.
The Battalion being in forward area and all movement in daylight having to be reduced to a minimum, no regular parades could be held. Small instructional classes in Lewis Guns, rifle grenades, (Mills No. 36) and in firing of captured enemy machine guns, were organised under cover and proved very successful. Working and carrying parties were supplied nightly and these with permanent duties, utilised the whole of the Battalion strength. Each company, in turn, bathed at the Divisional baths at La Kreule during this period. On 23rd church services were held by companies.
Relief of 11th Battalion carried out successfully during night 25/26th.
Battalion in line…Orders received with reference to minor operation to be carried out on morning of 28th in connection with attack by 31st Division on right.
Minor operation was carried out at 6am and success followed up further attack at 6pm.
At 730pm on 28th Major G.D. Shaw relieved Lieutenant Colonel M. Wilder-Neligen C.M.G. D.S.O. D.C.M. who returned to transport lines, sick…During the 28th Lieutenant J.M. McInerny was killed in action. Lieutenant K Grant and Lieutenant B Fuller were wounded…During the night 29th/30th, inter Company relief was carried out without incident. Dispositions on 30th being as under. A. Company – Line left. B. Company – Line right. C and D Companies in support. On 30th 2nd Lieutenant R.E.Mitchell was wounded and 2nd Lieutenant H.N.Hastwell was reported missing. During the operations 28th to 30th 9 light German machine guns, 1 heavy mount, and 2 trench mortars were captured. Congratulatory messages received in connection with the operations.